The TTAG Outreach and Education Subcommittee meets monthly to discuss strategies and plans for outreach efforts to educate American Indians and Alaska Natives about the provisions in the Affordable Care Act that will positively affect their health care.
Chair: Dee Sabatus
TTAG Representatives/Alternates: Joe Finkbonner, Roselyn Begay
CMS: Bonnie Hillsberg, John Johns, Georgey Sparks, Rachel Ryan
IHS: Sue Clain, Sherriann Moore
Technical Advisers/Members: Tyra Wittenborn, Terra Branson, Brandon Biddle, Jay Stiener, Carlyle Begay, Mim Dixon, Jonathan Hale, Robert Weaver, Liz Malerba, Emma Medicine White Crow, Lori Joshweseoma, Robert TwoBears, Diddy Nelson, Ed Fox, Sherrie Varner, Jerry Moses, Lisa Griggs, Lorena Skonberg
Official Meeting Notes: