AI/AN Exemption

Tribal members, Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) or Alaska Native shareholders, descendants, and other Indians eligible for services from an Indian/Tribal/Urban health facility (I/T/U), may qualify for an exemption from the individual shared responsibility payment.



Two Exemption Categories for American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN)

Claim the AI/AN Exemption

  1. Tax return filing process
  • Use IRS Tax Form 8965 Health Coverage Exemptions:
  • Claim exemption in:
    • Part I: If you have an Exemption Certificate Number (ECN), insert name and Social Security Number (SSN) of each individual
      •    If filed for an ECN through the Marketplace and have not received a number yet, enter “pending”
    • Part II: If eligible for specific income exemptions
    • Part III: If no Exemption Certificate Number, self-attest and claim a specific exemption (i.e. must indicate type).
      •    In Column C, enter “E”
