TTAG Subcommittees: Data

Chair: Mark LeBeau

TTAG Reps/Alternates: Joe Finkbonner, Jim Lamb, Richard Litsey

CMS: John Johns, Kitty Mark, Jim Lyon

IHS: Raho Ortiz

Technical Advisers/Members: Ed Fox, Myra Munson, John Stephens,  Devin Delrow, Joan O’Connell, Doneg McDonough, Alida Montiel, Jennifer Rockell, Jim Roberts, Melissa Gower, Roselyn Begay

TTAG Data Symposium, February 19, 2015:

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the California Rural Indian Health Board (CRIHB) and the National Indian Health Board (NIHB) presented a Data Symposium on the latest data on key priorities on the delivery of healthcare services across Indian Country.

Tribal leaders, representatives, and their staff attended the daylong event that followed the Tribal Technical Advisory Group (TTAG) Face-to-Face Meeting the day before.  Notable topics for the Symposium included updates on the changes in American Indian and Alaska Native Medicaid Enrollment and payment, IHS Updates on the Diabetes and Medicare Payments, CMS information on Medicare Payment adjustments, federal and state marketplace and qualified health plan enrollment, and more.

PowerPoint presentations can be found here.

CMS Data Project Reports


The Burden of Diabetes among American Indians and Alaska Native Medicare Enrollees


Medicare Enrollment, Health Status, Service Use and Payment Data for American Indians and Alaska Natives


Analysis of Medicaid Payments of American Indians and Alaska Natives, 2012


Medicare Statistics for American Indians and Alaska Natives, 2012


Health Care Coverage and Income of American Indians and Alaska Natives: A Comparative Analysis of 33 states with Indian Health Service Funded Programs


Integrating Medicaid and Indian Health Service Data, 2011


Uninsured American Indians and Alaska Natives with Incomes 133% to 300% of Poverty: Data for Health Insurance Exchange Outreach


American Indian and Alaska Native Medicaid & CHIP Program and Policy Data Summary Report


American Indian and Alaska Native Medicare Program and Policy Data Summary Report


American Indians and Alaska Natives: Medicaid State Data Collection


Gaps and Strategies to improve American Indian and Alaska Native Data for Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP